The Jake Dunlap Show

How to Increase Rep Efficiency By Expecting Less

Episode Summary

This episode Jake starts off with the phenomenon in sales where everyone is on a quest to do more and more. From the 100s of teams he’s worked with every year on optimizing outbound performance, the ones that are performing today are those that do not have a significant number of steps in their sequences as send-all and do not just customize the first touchpoint. Richard Harris said it best: The mindset problem is that people are too focused on efficiency versus effectiveness. In this episode, Jake will break down why quality conversations should be your #1 top-pf-funnel metric, what are quality/meaningful conversations, and how do you make “less” scalable.

Episode Notes

This episode Jake starts off with the phenomenon in sales where everyone is on a quest to do more and more. From the 100s of teams he’s worked with every year on optimizing outbound performance, the ones that are performing today are those that do not have a significant number of steps in their sequences as send-all and do not just customize the first touchpoint.

Richard Harris said it best: The mindset problem is that people are too focused on efficiency versus effectiveness. In this episode, Jake will break down why quality conversations should be your #1 top-pf-funnel metric, what are quality/meaningful conversations, and how do you make “less” scalable.


In this episode, Jake covers:


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